Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. The hectic, but wonderful, family time makes it hard to get any writing done but I'm trying. I also wanted to thank all my fans for a very exciting first year as a published author. Salvaged Love has 10,000 copies out in the world and I have gained some wonderful fans and friends in the process! I can't say Thank You enough. Looking forward to 2014 and getting Love Again out in the world.
Here's some items of note:
*I held a vote on facebook in July - Is Abby's second child a boy or girl? Boy won the vote... and they were right! Abby decided to name Emily's baby brother after his grandfathers - Richard Christoff Eatonton.
The second book spans 11 years so the next fan question is: How many children will Max and Abby have? Tell me what you think below or on Facebook
*12/31/13 Digital Book Today will be featuring an interview with yours truly. I'm excited as this will be my first official interview. If you catch it, please share with others. Fan support is priceless! If you miss it, it will be archived under their author interview tab.
*January I am taking another trip to Key West for research. Can't wait to absorb all the new inspiration!
Happy New Year and best wishes,
Here's some items of note:
*I held a vote on facebook in July - Is Abby's second child a boy or girl? Boy won the vote... and they were right! Abby decided to name Emily's baby brother after his grandfathers - Richard Christoff Eatonton.
The second book spans 11 years so the next fan question is: How many children will Max and Abby have? Tell me what you think below or on Facebook
*12/31/13 Digital Book Today will be featuring an interview with yours truly. I'm excited as this will be my first official interview. If you catch it, please share with others. Fan support is priceless! If you miss it, it will be archived under their author interview tab.
*January I am taking another trip to Key West for research. Can't wait to absorb all the new inspiration!
Happy New Year and best wishes,