Yep, that’s right – I left the J-O-B to do what I love most. How special is that!!! Big thanks to my hubby. Without his support (financially and unconditionally), this wouldn’t have happened. What started as a hobby and turned into a part-time passion will now be my full-time obsession.
So in celebration Love Again Kindle version will be discounted to $0.99 starting Friday 2/9 through Valentine’s Day. If you haven’t purchased your copy – you’ll want to buy it Friday.
What’s next? I’m finishing up a novella featuring Jason & Victoria from Salvaged Love and then on to book number three which is already started. Eventually I plan to have 8 or 12 books in the Love in Key West series with the last book published in time for the 200th anniversary of the founding of Key West in 2022. That means six to ten books in the next five years. You can find more details here. I’m excited to make it happen and on that note, I’m headed back to the writing.
May your 2018 be full of love.